ISSA Online Roster - NOTE: The 2024 Roster Portal is NOW open and teams can add their initial 2024 roster. As always Rosters can not be added to the Tournament until Game Schedules are posted.
Teams participating in ISSA tournaments in 2024 should submit their team roster online using their QuickScores account (Go to and Create Account if you have not already.) Once you log into your account on Quickscores you should be on your Dashboard. Under My Team's click the manage button next to your team name with the 2024 ISSA Team Rating below it, then click Manage Team Roster and fill out the initial roster form (or use the Copy Players From Old Team if you already have a roster on-line for previous years) and hit save changes. Afterward, when coming to an ISSA tournament, ONCE THE SCHEDULE IS POSTED you can go to your Dashboard and under My Team's click the manage button next to your team name with the name of the tournament below it and click Manage Team Roster and click on Copy Players From Old Team and move/import the roster to the event, make any additions, subtractions and add approved pick-up players and submit. Then click on the Print Waiver button and print the form which you bring to the tournament for the check-in. NEW FOR 2024... When player signs Waiver he will need to also put his Zip Code also the Coach/Manager needs to add Hotel name(s) used and the number of nights. Players arriving after Pool Play games are required to sign in before playing in Double Elimination, any player that has not signed is considered an illegal player and will be removed from the game. The Manger must turn in the sign waiver on the first day of play to our tournament staff. NOTE: All managers should activate the Get Text Message button when setting up their account so they can receive messages during tournaments such as schedule changes during weather issues.