MANASSAS, VIRGINIA - Northern Virginia ASA officials will be including senior divisions with their open tournaments for the 2009 season and beyond. The concept is an alternative to the current �regional qualifying tournaments� now being offered by others. �Based on numerous recent experiences, several senior teams have expressed a desire to have a lower cost, weekend tournament (one or two days) and we believe that we can provide that,� offered RB Thomas, Jr. �We are very flexible in the format, our response from teams last year indicated a need for some one-day tournaments on the weekend, although most teams did not have a strong opinion on one or two day events as long as it was on the weekend only. We use an open roster concept since we will obviously not have enough teams to create 20 divisions of play based on the ISSA Ratings. Teams will email their list of players with age and current team info. We will place them in divisions accordingly with the aim of creating some parity. We can provide the fields, umpires and awards for seniors to have a nice experience in a good softball atmosphere.� The following are the 2009 senior tournament dates:
March 28 Lester Leonard Invitational
April 25 Officer Pennington Memorial
May 16 Valley View Invitational
June 6 Capital Classic
July 4 July 4 Firecracker
August 1 35th Battle of Manassas
August 22 Northern Virginia Championships (open to all)
Anyone wishing to enter a team in these tournaments or would like more information or provide additional feedback can contact Thomas at 703-368-1188 or email to [email protected].