Home ISSA Southside Indy USA Championships

ISSA Southside Indy USA Championships Factsheet

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2025 ISSA Southside Indy USA Championships    

September 3-7, 2025
Indianapolis, IN

 Entry Form | Addresses of Venues & Hotel Info | Registered Teams | Pool Play & Championship Brackets



ISSA Southside Indy USA Senior Championships  (www.seniorsoftball.org)


September 3-7 - 70, 75, 80 & 85 Divisions will play Wednesday-Friday all other Divisions will play Friday-Sunday


Indianapolis Sports Park, 6701 S. Harding Street, Indianapolis, IN 46217

 Other venues if needed


 Click Here for Hotels



It is estimated that 50 to 60 teams from the USA will be attending to compete in the Southside Indy  USA Championships at Indianoplis.  Teams can register with ISSA online. 

Ticket Prices: Admission to all venues is FREE.


No charge for parking, adequate parking is available at the parks.

Managers Meeting:

Managers Check-In will be at the fields prior to your first game.

Team Check-in:


There will be no individual Player check-in. Manager must submit the signed roster before leaving the park on the first day of play. Player's must have a photo ID (drivers license) and carry with then at all times.

Tournament Seeding:

The tournament staff will place the teams in brackets and prepare the preliminary schedule which will be posted on the website approximately one month prior to the tournament. The preliminary game record will be used to seed your team into the double elimination finals. The exact format will depend on the number of teams in each division.  Teams are rated by ISSA after they submit their Team Registration Form online.

First Game: September 3 & 5, the games could begin at 9:00AM and 70 and older Divisions will end on Friday all others will end on Sunday and the Awards Ceremony will immediately follow the final game.  

Tournament Director:


Greg Thomas, 9114 I-Beam Lane, Manassas, VA 20110 (571-220-0158 cell)
Email: [email protected]  



Complete online Entry Form now and mail Entry Fee to the ISSA Office. Tournament will close when the maxium number of paid entries have been received or July 23 whichever comes first. (Exceptions only for the benefit of the tournament). 

Rosters Due: The ISSA Roster Form should be submitted on-line one week prior to the tournament. Managers must bring the signed ISSA Roster Wiaver form to be turned in at the Check-in.  Players arriving late can sign at the check-in or prior to their first game but must be on the submitted roster. 

Divisions of Play:

Teams will be placed in skill level divisions based on their ISSA Rating and verified by the tournament staff. 


The entry fee for all classifications is $550.00.


T-shirts and other apparel may be for sale at the park.

Berths: Division winners receive a berth to compete in the Winter Worlds & USA Championships in Sanford, FL in November and will be competing for the USA Championship title as well as USA Championship Jackets. Also a berth to the 2026 WTOC at Tampa, FL in January.  

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